Archive | April 28, 2012

Whats new at the App store?

Byword text editor for ios

writers who have the passion of working with the markdown language can now turn to Byword an ios version of the Mac text editor.and its been optimized for both the mobile users and the ipad and it only works with the plain text formats but also syncs with dropbox and the icloud. and the printing can also be done directly from the ios device using the airprint Read More…

iTunes a mess,inflexible,unreliable why?know the reasons

Apple introduced the itunes a source of music in 2001 and it was the first version it released later it made lot of modifications and the upgradations to it initially the itunes is a music player, and the video player.and it a store where many applications and the games,ringtones,videos and music are categorized in order to purchase them. Read More…